MiCROTEC - Le dernier investissement de JD Irving, Limited s'inscrit dans le cadre de son engagement en faveur de l'efficacité et de la qualité
5 février 2024

Le dernier investissement de JD Irving, Limited s'inscrit dans le cadre de son engagement en faveur de l'efficacité et de la qualité

JD Irving, Limited, dont le siège social se trouve à Saint John, au Nouveau-Brunswick (Canada), poursuit son engagement en faveur de la durabilité et de l'innovation en achetant un MiCROTEC CT Log pour l'installer dans sa scierie de placage, située à Saint-Léonard, au Nouveau-Brunswick (Canada).
Le dernier investissement de JD Irving, Limited s'inscrit dans le cadre de son engagement en faveur de l'efficacité et de la qualité

Nouvelles de l'installation

MiCROTEC’s CT Log is a worldwide unique computed tomography scanner in the wood products industry, allowing JD Irving, Limited to scan and digitally reconstruct the internal features of their logs in 3D. Delivering the optimal cutting solution in real-time, this technology is consistent with JD Irving, Limited’s mission to ensure the use of 100% of every tree. The computed tomography scanner provides a complete reconstruction of the internal features of the logs, allowing the logs to be graded and sorted by quality and optimization. The CT Log solution developed by MiCROTEC’s industry-leading engineers provides quality grading and virtual grading information in addition to the full 3D log description.


Integrated with MiCROTEC’s Maxicut Pro, Winlog, and MiCROTEC Connect, the CT Log communicates with the Logeye Stereo, providing the head rigg operator the exact degree of log rotation to provide maximum value. Working with the CT Log, MiCROTEC’s Maxicut software optimizes cutting patterns based on value.


The newest investment is part of JD Irving, Limited‘s continued partnership with MiCROTEC. Beginning in 2014 with a Lucidyne scanner installation at their Dixfield, Maine, USA location, JD Irving, Limited has since installed Lucidyne scanners at their Doaktown and Kedgwick, New Brunswick, Canada locations, with another Wanescan installation at their Dixfield, Maine facility in 2023. Their recent investment of the CT Log is accompanied by a commitment of 5 MiCROTEC Logeye Stereos, which execute 360° scans during rolling, adding to the information gained before the log is sawn.

»We are very excited to further grow our partnership with MiCROTEC. We firmly believe that this strategic investment in the newest scanning technology will allow us to maximize log yield as well as improve the value of the products offered to our customers.«

Jerome Pelletier

Vice President of JD Irving, Limited Sawmills Division

Picture from left to right: Bob Bell, Sales Account Manager MiCROTEC, Norvin Laudon, Direct MiCROTEC Vancouver, Arianna Giudiceandrea - CSO MiCROTEC, Susan Coulombe - General Manager J.D Irving Limited, Frank Jöst - CEO MiCROTEC, Jerome Pelletier - Vice President J.D. Irving Limited, Jody Gallant - Business Improvement Manager J.D. Irving Limited

The CT Log solution and Logeye Stereo applications will be installed early 2024.