X-ray Logeye for Kurekss

Logeye sets new standards in log yard merchandising, handling and scanning.
Kurekss Ltd. installed a brand new log yard with new measuring and log transport devices. This is the first time that a new generation Logeye 302 Multi-Sensor Quality Scanner was installed in a logyard.
The modular built Logeye 302 features new-generation technology in each module, such as the X-ray unit for knot detection and detection of metal fragments. The scanner detects the distance between the knots, the number of knots and the knot volume. The X-ray unit is based on the acquisition of two X-ray images that the system then analyzes for the detection of wood defects. The system evaluates the log diameter under bark and the diameter on bark with the new 3D shape measurement system.
Winlog sorting optimization records all log input information and processes the measuring data in real time into valuable information for optimized sorting, data handling and storage to increase efficiency in the sorting line. Logeye features a new generation of optimized log sorting controls in the merchandizing yard. The body of the measuring unit is sheltered from the X-ray by a specific lead layer and the glass that shelters the cameras and the led light is made out of special protective glass. Lead layers also shelter the infeed and outfeed mechanics to ensure a safe environment for the operators. The installation went on stream successfully within the end of August after a few months of mounting and installing.
All the mechanical parts of the installation were provided by long-time partner Springer to offer the appropriate log handling and sorting. Springer also delivered a long log separating unit. Screw feeder units from Springer combines functions of storage, singulation, alignement and acceleration. The delivery unit has an automatic waste disposal system that runs on Springer transport belts. The entire merchandising yard was completely mounted, installed and run on budget and on time.
Microtec provided the new logyard with scanning and control devices. A Logeye X-ray Multi-Sensor Scanner for measuring the volume of the logs under bark. The two X-ray projections also recognize the quantity of knots and their characteristics. It includes Winlog sorting optimization that records all log input information and processes the measuring data in real time into valuable information for optimized sorting, data handling and storage to increase efficiency in the sorting line.