MiCROTEC - Woodeye Rip
Beginning at the end

Beginning at the end

Instead of waiting for final decisions to the cross-cutting stage, the end product can be planned already at the ripping. The system can allocate the components on the board based on the final use and shape of the products.

Produce exactly what you need

Produce exactly what you need

Our 2D optimization provides the opportunity to position the desired products on the board while considering the required quantities to be produced. Decisions include product dimensions as well as the best side of the lumber to use for each product.

Powered by MiCROTEC Ai

Powered by MiCROTEC Ai

Artificial Intelligence (Deep Learning AI) is integrated into all quality scanners from log to finished board. The AI knowledge of all MiCROTEC companies is merged into the MiCROTEC Ai platform, raising the possibilities of Deep Learning AI in the wood industry to a completely new level.

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