Certified Strength Grading with Goldeneye 702 in Switzerland

Ducret-Orges SA
The company Ducret-Orges has acquired the first Goldeneye 702 in Switzerland
Since February 2010 the multisensory-quality scanner for wood is up and running. Its unique features enables the Goldeneye 702 with X-ray to detect wood defects, such as knots, locally so that the defects can be cut-out. The correct and precise recognition of wood defects is particularly important when it comes to finger jointing in order to guarantee quality and security of the Ducret-Orges buildings.
Ducret-Orges considers this Goldeneye installation a Milestone in its company history: "In 2009, after the CE marking became compulsory for producers of glued laminated timber, the Swiss company made an important investment in a Microtec Goldeneye scanner, the first to be installed in Switzerland. This Multi-Sensor Quality scanner provided the automatic rejection of glulam boards and was at the same time the right tool for continuous quality control."
Ducret-Orges is a Swiss company that sorts glued laminated timber of spruce and fir according to the severe European Norm EN-14081. The Goldeneye by Microtec is the first and only quality scanner that is authorized to sort wood according to EN-14081 in Switzerland. The peculiarity of the multisensory scanner is represented by the advanced X-ray sensor which enables deep insights into lumber and, hence, to recognize wood defects also inside the boards.
The local detection of wood defects is extremely important because they can be cut-out locally, thus maximizing the recovery by avoiding that the whole board is downgraded. In Europe only Goldeneye can detect wood defects inside lumber and mark them for cut-out. Automatic grading and sorting delivers a further advantage in recovery thanks to the constant reliability and objectivity in the evaluation of the wood characteristics.