First Goldeneye in Romania

Goldeneye 501 is the new generation Multi-Sensor Quality Scanner. This scanner is composed by next-generation sensors to detect reliably defects of the wood by using dimension-scanning, scatter-scanning and color-scanning.
The first scanner of this series was recently installed and put into operation at the plywood manufacturing company of Holzindustrie Schweighofer in Siret, Romania. The new Goldeneye 501 scanner was installed in the lamella grading line carried out by the technology partner System TM.
The board data are directly sent to the chop-saws, to control the chopping according to value-optimized standards. From now on, in a year about 85,000 meters of lamellas pass this line. The managing board at Holzindustrie Schweighofer expects durable and profitable grading results from Goldeneye 501.
The family enterprise, Holzindustrie Schweighofer, has been closely associated with wood processing for more than three centuries. On four sites in Romania, the company is leading for development in production and innovative solutions. To maintain the high production levels in quality and quantity, the company wants to increase in capacity of 50% at the manufacturing site of Siret. The managing board decided, therefore to invest in a new lamella line, provided by System TM, and in a brand new scanner, Goldeneye 501, delivered by Microtec.